Past National, USO, All Amer. WInners
The Death of from November 1942 The Chase magazine 0. P. Buzzard Wing 15064 by Flying Cloud out of Hattie Griffith died on October 19 at the Wooldridge Kennels, Versailles, Ky. He was bred by Goggins Griffith of Stamping Ground, Ky. His dam, Hattie Griffith, was a strong Walker bred bitch by CH. Herrin, who is by Skipper out of CH. Audrey Alford (F). Hattie Griffith was out of Bid, a Long Run hound. Bid is out of Skipper. Flying Cloud by Sampson ex Bettie Pearl; Sampson by Scott ex Black Kate; Bettie Pearl by Champ Clark ex Zenia. Zenia had a cross of Maryland in her. This cross, through Flying Cloud, produced hounds that really knew now to run a fox with few bothers. Flying Cloud, Buzzard Wing's sire, was one of the leading producers of his day and was known as the bound that never lost a fox. He was noted for his high clear mouth, which Buzzard Wing inherited and bred on to his pups. Buzzard Wing was a beautiful black, white and tan saddleback hound and practically all his pups were that color. Goggins Griffith, Leonard Griffith, his father, and William McFarland of Stamping Ground brought Buzzard Wing and a mate of his, and another hound to Versailles to hunt one night. They got after a fox and the race lasted ten hours. It was practically a one hound race. Goggins Griffith never took any of those hounds back home for Mr. Wooldridge gave him a check for the three hounds at three o'clock in the morning in order to get Buzzard Wing. When Buzzard Wing was four years old he was sold to Ernest Bolton of Bostwick, Georgia. Mr. Bolton swore by Buzzard Wing but because of his health Ernest sold Buzzard Wing and several other hounds by him back to Mr. Wooldridge. Buzzard Wing remained in the Wooldridge Kennels for the rest of his life. Buzzard Wing was an outstanding sire of both field and bench winners and his pups won practically everywhere run. Like so many of the Flying Cloud hounds, they have a way of pressing the fox and keep them running. Buzzard Wing's loss is a big one to Mr. Wooldridge. His death was hastened by a cur dog attacking him for he ran out all the time. He stood 25 inches high at the shoulder, was a spledidly made hound, a hound of a great deal of class. -------------------------------------------------------- Frank Reese wrote the following about Buzzard Wing in the same issue oft The Chase. Buzzard Wing is dead. As a fox dog he was rated with the best of his time. As a sire he had not had an equal since Big Stride. He carried the blood of a great combination of outstanding families. Most noted in his pedigree were Scott, Champ Clark, Skipper and Big Stride. just as one would expect Buzzard Wing bred an extremely game hound, one of excellent type, a beautifully colored hound and a fox dog. They came black, white and tan saddleback regardless of the color of the mother, showing what an influence he had on his sons and daughters. His great popularity was due to the fact that he bred a combination field and bench hound. One glance at a recent Georgia field trial and bench show is a glaring example of the Buzzard Wing technique. We would not attempt to list all the great dual-winners by this illustrious sire. Among the most noted of this family is Dr. Hayter's Ballot, a hound good enough to win the first Natural Carriage Class at the National. Ballot is a strong hound in a long hard race. He is the sire of Betty Ballot, a bound that hardly has an equal as a bench show hound. Ballot, like his sire, breeds a combination hound, and one of extreme gameness.
Pedigree for BUZZARD WING IFSB NO. 15064
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