Past National, USO, All Amer. WInners
The Early History of the Walker Hound1852In November, 1852, on the 20th day, Adam Maupin died. The date is recorded on a sandstone marker along with date of birth and the fact that he was the son of T. J. and Jane Maupin. He was 12 days past six years old. Except for the incident that Jeff Maupin's older brother, Wash, on his way home that day from Harris' blacksmith shop, stopped by the house, the date on the stone marker would long ago have been forgotten, for pioneer Kentucky was long accustomed to bornings and buryings. Madison county had not yet recovered from the shock of other events which foreshadowed the great changes soon to come. Henry Clay had died in the June before, closely followed by Daniel Webster, while members of the greedy capitalistic system had financed a railroad, and construction was already under way out of Louisville toward the State of Tennessee. In March a book came off the press which lit the fuse of the bomb that blew the states apart for four long years. It was a best seller called "Uncle Tom's Cabin." The story in the book was about General Kennedy's Negro man. Tom, whose cabin stood across the branch, in a hackberry thicket, from the farm where Bob Walker died. By our time the old Kennedy mansion was in ruins, standing in the center of a cornfield, stripped of its colonial columns and shutters as bleak as a skull in the wintertime. General Kennedy had married the widow of William Woods Kavanaugh, who had died six years before when trying to swim his horse across the Tennessee river. The general brought her and the children back to Kentucky from Franklin county, Tenn. Among the children was a daughter, Jane Miller, aged eleven. She rates this record because she later married John Williams Walker and mothered four sons, Stephen, Edwin, Archibald K. and John Wade. The reason for here recording the date of the death of little Adam Maupin is that when his uncle stopped at the house on the Crooksville pike that day he was carrying on the pommel of his saddle a rat-tailed, tight-haired black and tan deer hound that he carried on home to Hunter's Rest . . . and called by the name of Tennessee Lead.
Excerpt from "History of the Walker Hound" by Bob Lee maddux 1855 Adam Maupin's' uncle was George Washington Maupin ,who had obtained Tennessee Lead from Tom Harris, a stock drover . Tom Harris had caught The black and tan hound out of a deer chase near the Kentucky and Tennessee line and carried him home. In the early 1850's Red Fox began to appear in Kentucky. Prior to 1855, only Gray Fox inhabited Madison County, but that year, A Red Fox found his way into the area from Estill County. All of the local hunters Gray Fox hounds and Deer hounds were baffled by this new wide running fox. All But one, George W. Maupin's' Tennessee Lead. Lead jumped the Red Fox and ran it all day , with snow covering the ground ,until he ran it into its' den at Round Mountain in Estill County. This was the first Kentucky hound to jump and run to ground a Red Fox. Lead was no better Gray Fox or Deer hound than those owned by other local hunters .The Trait that made him famous was the Red Fox know-how he brought with him from Tennessee . From that day, all the local hunters wanted a litter of pups sired by Tennessee Lead. The first hound bred to Tennessee Lead was a female called Red May, jointly owned by Thomas Howard Maupin (brother of George Washington Maupin), Speedwell Road and Alfred Johnson. This mating took place on November 20, 1852 the same day that George Washington Maupin obtained Lead from Thomas Harris. This mating produced the hound White Mag, who was later sold to George Washington Maupin. 1857 In 1857 William Fleming, an English importer ,purchased two black, white and tan English hounds in England and shipped them to William Jason Walker in Kentucky. One of the hounds was a male by the name of Rifler. The other was a bitch in whelp by the name of Marth. Marth had been bred in England to a dog that is unknown. On the same night that they arrived in Kentucky, Rifler was carried on a hunt, Marth being to heavy with pups to go. Rifler proved that he knew the ways of the Red Fox. When Marth's English pups were born, There was one Female and four males. The Tan and white Female was crippled when she was ran over by a wagon , crushing one of her feet. She was named Mash Foot, and was still a good foxhound in spite of being crippled. She was a good breeder and whelped several good litters of puppies. The Four males were named Fox (belonged to Jason Walker), Bally (belonged to Durett White), Bragg (belonged to Jeff Maupin) and Troop (belonged to Jack Martin). Marth was later bred to Tennessee Lead but she died before the pups were born. Marth and Rifler and the five pups were the Imported stock of 1857 and are noted in Walker hound history with the Imp. preceding their names such as Imp.Rifler , Imp.Bragg Etc.. These hounds and the Ben Robinson male hound from Maryland (White Tickler were crossed on the old deer hounds and the hounds from Pennsylvania (Florence and Vic, both bitches) crossed on Tennessee Lead). These crosses made up the Early breed of Walker hounds. More Walker Hound History (From July 1923 TheChase Magazine) The By C. J. Prouty, 1907.
Just one hundred
and nine years ago last fall. John W. Walker, father of the four Walker
brothers, (W. Stephen, Edwin H. J. and Wade and Arch K.), and originator of
the strain of hounds bearing his name, was born in Garrard County. Ky., home
of all the brothers. At the death of his father, John, then a mere child, went
to live with his uncle, Billy Williams, of Madison County. who with his
father, had migrated from Virginia several years before. They had kept a pack
of deer hounds in Virginia and had brought part of that pack, some eight or
ten, with them from Virginia. These hounds somewhat resembled the so- called
native hounds of New England, common about ten years or more ago. They were
noted for their keen noses, heavy musical voices and ability to keep their
game on the move for many hours, but not at a fast gait. These deer hounds and
their off-springs were mostly black and tan, some mottled, a few red, and
occasionally a black white and tan would appear. They were rather long
cast, had square muzzles, long ears and rather poor legs and feet. But even at
this early date were able to successfully cope with the deer and gray fox of
that locality, the red at that time not having made its appearance in
Kentucky. Today, in a certain part of Virginia, a type much like these old
deer hounds can still be found, and no doubt trace directly back to the same
parent stock as those that belonged to Uncle Billy Williams and his father
over one hundred years ago. John W. Walker, at the age of ten, mounted behind
his uncle, went on his first fox hunt, and from that day till he gave up
hunting in 1862 was one of the most consistent and, outside of’ General
Maupin. the most noted fox hunter in Kentucky. General Maupin and Mr. Walker
were cousins and life long friends. The latter commenced hunting some earlier,
but the General kept at the game long after Mr. Walker gave up the
sport. The hounds were of nearly the same blood, but nevertheless, they always
enjoyed having a race, and were never happier than when one happened to beat
the pack with some favorite hound. Mr. Walker confined his hunting more or
less to home grounds, while General Maupin would go miles to get after a good
running fox.He never gave up the sport. Even when too old to ride he would
drive to the hunting grounds, and was carried lying flat on his back, when
unable to sit in a carriage, in order to hear the cry of his pack, which had
been so much a part of his whole life. One day, during Uncle Wash’s last
sickness. W. S. Walker happened to call. He had been on a week’s hunting trip
in Madison County, where his hounds had performed especially well throughout
the week, and, naturally, he felt pretty happy on his way home. While relating
some of the pleasant features of the hunt. Uncle Wash broke in and said to his
Negro Sam, take old Tickler,” (a noted hound of that time), “and go out and
beat Steve. Don’t let him go home feeling so gay.” Both General Maupin and Mr.
Walker, at that day, loved a game hound and bred with that idea always
upper-most in their minds speed, hunting, trailing and fox sense always
secondary to gameness. Their point of breeding has been strictly adhered to by
the present Walker brothers. Is it any wonder the Walker hounds are noted the
country over, especially for their gameness, when one considers that for a
hundred years they have been breeding to the gamest hounds they could find,
often times sacrificing conformation and other valuable points necessary to
make a first class, all around American fox hound?
The first Red fox that there is any record
of in Garrard County, Kentucky was caught by James McQuerry after a heavy snow
fall. He found strange tracks, which, upon investigation. seemed some like a
gray fox, but being rather narrow and longer, with the two front toes and
nails leaving a pronounced imprint, it roused his curiosity, so he followed
the trail, which finally led to a pile of logs. His shepherd dog that had
followed him by this time had become quite interested at what was going on, so
he kept guard at one end of the pile, while his master went to the other. Just
as he reached the end the gentleman in red spied Mr. McQuerry and darted back
out of the pile where the dog was keeping watch. A lively scrap followed, the
dog finally pinning the fox in the deep snow until his master could get a good
safe hold on Reynard. At the time the fox appeared uninjured, but lived only a
short time after being taken home by Mr. McQuerry. The news that a Red fox had
been caught in the country spread quickly. Persons from all walks of life and
many from long distances came to see what was then quite a curiosity. Since
that date Red foxes have become fairly plentiful all over the state. At times
in different locations they will be in fair numbers, when all of a sudden they
will practically disappear, many being killed to be sure, but certainly some
must migrate. There is no reason, if properly protected, why the red fox
should not be as abundant in Kentucky as in New England. although shot here by
the hundreds each year, they are always in numbers sufficient to furnish good
sport. The first red fox that gave the Walkers any running, located in what is
locally known as “Turkey Penn hollow”, just beyond the Whetstone Knob. one of
the range of knobs that was about two miles south of the home of W. S., E. H.
and Woods Walker. The pack became so familiar with the fox’s abode that they
did not bother to trail him up but went to his kennel. It was not uncommon for
the first note not to be given till the fox began running. His course always
lay directly east, and when once squared away, held it. not once deviating a
point either way from the line. Where he went they never knew as it was
impossible to follow. Often-times the fox would be back to his favorite haunts
before they would get home. Soon after, others commenced to come in. They
apparently were working westward as they were always on the move in that
direction. At times one hunter would take a trail early in the morning, trail
until noon, when he would come up to where someone had put on an hour or more
ahead of him, the second hunter might trail until dark without getting near
the fox. One case in particular is told of different hunters with their packs
trailing two whole days. resting nights without having a race. but the third
day the trail commenced to warm up, so by noon they had the fox up on the run,
which lasted until dark. when the pack caught and killed it.
The coming of the reds gave the breeder a
harder problem to solve. While their hounds were all right for deer and gray
fox, when matched with brother red it was a different story, and usually the
race would come down to a cold trail. The state of affairs naturally set all
interested in hounds to try to improve their packs by finding a suitable
cross. The first one of any importance that really improved their pack came
from a stolen hound. that is what we would call if such thing occurred today.
About 1850. when a well known fox hunter was returning home from one of his
mule buying expeditions. which often took him into Tennessee and Virginia. was
crossing the mountains near the point where the two above named states and
Kentucky meet when he heard a pack of hounds running a deer, and. noticing
that one hound seemed to be beating the others, jumped off of his horse, beat
the hounds and caught his lead dog, carried him to Madison County and gave him
to General Maupin. This hound, afterwards known as
Tennessee Lead, was a black dog much
like Woods Walker’s Mart, that won the Derby at Barre in 1906.
Lead was rather a heavy boned
hound, strong and well built, with ears much shorter than hounds in Kentucky
at that time. He had a clear short mouth, and up to that time was probably the
best Red fox hound in that section of the state. Lead was bred to the best
bitches, the produce being an improvement over the Virginia hounds in all
except voice. This was the first direct out cross made on the Virginia hounds.
Many of the present Kentucky hounds trace back to
Tennessee Lead. Scott (Scott
No. 7), the most noted hound of his day,which was in the early eighteen
eighties, and one of the pillars of the Walker breeding, was the fifth
generation from Tennessee Lead. Two years
later. General Maupin sent a man back to the mountains to find more hounds
hike Lead, but was unsuccessful.
About 1852 or ‘53, it was decided to try
an English cross on their hounds, Jason Walker, a cousin of the present Walker
brothers, and Derrit White, who afterwards married a daughter of John W.
Walker, prevailed upon William Fleming of Philadelphia. who sold goods to
Jason Walker, to get him a pair of English hounds while on one of his many
trips across the water. This couple,
Rifler and Marth, came in due time, the
latter in whelp at the time. and afterwards giving birth to five, four of
which were dog puppies. Rifler and Marth were
both fine looking hounds, the bitch the better of the two, but unfortunately
died soon after whelping. All five of her puppies lived but none Reached their
prime except Bally, who was blind. The bitch of this litter was bred to
Tennessee Lead. Her puppies were black and
tan, and black, white and tan. Among this lot was a famous bitch known as the
‘Mashfoot’ bitch, she having had one foot badly
crushed by being run over by a wagon. Her puppies were superior hounds - a big
improvement over the hounds of that time. Blind Riley,
Wake, Rush and Brack were her best get. W. S. Walker’s first hound,
Rifler, was by imp. Rifler out of the “Mashfoot”
bitch. Although John W. Walker never liked the English hounds as fox dogs, the
cross certainly improved the back. feet and legs of their hounds and made a
tougher and better looking hound, if not a gamer one.
In 1863, when Mr. Walker gave up
hunting. he presented his hounds to his sons, W. S. and E. H. Walker. who have
always been on the lookout to improve - their hounds by judicious crossings
and the careful mating of their own stock with that of the Madison County
hunters. W. S. Walker, along in 1887, visited Maryland for the sole purpose of
finding’ a few hounds that would improve their stock. He hunted with many of
the best known packs of Virginia. then went to Maryland. staying about six
weeks in each state. In the latter state he hunted with Henry Griffith and
later bought two of his best hounds, Sam and Brag. Sam had the reputation of
being able to catch more red foxes than any hound in the state. He was a pale
red dog, while Brag was a black and white, ring neck hound. larger and
somewhat better looking than Sam, although Sam was a well made hound. After a
fair trial in Kentucky these hounds did not prove satisfactory, consequently
were not bred to any of their bitches. A little later W. S. Walker bought from
John Hardy of Maryland two hounds, Bloomer, a large black and tan dog, and
Beulah. a while, gray and lemon spotted bitch. Bloomer was a firs class fox
hound but no better than the best of their own stock. He was bred to fourteen
of their best bitches. The produce were good in every point except gameness.
and lacked the enduring qualities of their own blood. It improved a little.
the trailing qualities and gave some better mouths, but on the whole was not a
complete success, About 1889, Mr. l-lardv sent Mr. Walker two more hounds,
Bluff, who was sent to replace one that had been returned no good. and Pat, a
pale yellow hound that was sent to beat everything as he had done in Maryland,
but the trip, change of climate. etc., evidently put him all to the bad, as he
would not hark into a race in Kentucky, and was subsequently given to a Negro
man. Bluff was not as good looking as the other Maryland hounds, but after his
first race all were much pleased with his work and thought at that time he
would do to breed to. But later, after running a plantation fox for two hours,
he quit entirely, and was returned to Maryland.
Two years later, in 1891, James
Crawford, a friend of the Walkers, imported from the Earl of Egglesten’s pack
of Scotland, three hounds and sent them to Mr. Walker -
Strive, a dog three years old, Relish and Clara,
both bitches two years old. All were fine looking, handsomely marked, black,
white and tan, with trimmed ears which is often the custom in England. Strive
was by far the best of the three. He was the fine, wide hunter, good trailer
and when the fox was up had plenty of speed, was dead game, with lots of
endurance. His greatest
drawback was his mouth, which was seldom
given when trailing, and when running it was so fine and light it could it
could not be distinguished in a pack, so Mr. Walker hit upon a scheme of
having a bell hung to his collar. evidently taking idea from the New England
bird hunter, who often, when hunting in thick cover uses a bell on his
setter. The scheme might have worked out successfully if the bell had been
attached before reaching the hunting grounds, in order for Strive to become
accustomed to the ringing. but instead, it was put on just as the grounds
were reached, which so completely upset the hound that he )absolutely
refused to hunt. Although he lived but six months in his new home, during
that time he was bred to at least thirty-five of the best bitches in Garrard
and adjoining counties. Clara was of little use. Sometimes she would run
fast about half an hour or so, then give up and come in. Although
apparently well, her owner thought she must be wrong physically. Relish was
much better than Clarara, but she was never to be depended on. At times she
would run well two or three hours, but seldom longer. She was not at all
tired, just lacked ambition, gameness and the desire to hunt. The get of
imported Strive, as a rule, were fine looking hounds, a big improvement in
respect over the Walker hounds of that time. It was the same here as with
the earlier English cross, outside of conformation and color, the get as fox
hounds, with few exceptions were rather inferior to the Walker hounds, and I
dare say today, many of the best hunters prefer a pedigree without the cross
on Strive and Clara. Some are fearfully opposed to any of Clara’s blood in
their Hounds, although many of the best Walker hounds that ever came to New
England had a cross of Clara through Col. Jack Chinn’s dog, Gordon.
The best imported Strive’s get were Ch. Big Strive and
Pearl Strive, that won everywhere whenever shown on the bench. Big
Strive was also a first class fox hound with good bottom, but lacked
gameness to a certain extent. Both of these hounds were out of Vanarsdall’s
Sal. The writer saw Big Strive and Pearl Strive at the New York Kennel Club
show in Boston in 1895, and was then much impressed with their general
appearance, especially with Pearl Strive, one of the finest built fox hound
bitches ever bred in America although half English. That well known
authority on American fox hounds, Dr. A. C. Heftinger of Portsmouth, N. H.,
in his article on the Cook hound in the "American Fox Hound" says that the
Cook fox hounds swept everything before them in bench shows of the country
until the Kentucky breeders began showing their type with the modern English
cross in it. These Kentucky hounds are best represented by Big Strive and
Pearl Strive, out pointed the Cook hound in every way save head, and
by continuous winning soon ran them off the circuit. Pearl Strive was the
cleanest and raciest fox hound I have ever seen. Next to her the Cook bitch,
Modest Girl, filled my eye, had the better head, but Pearl Strive Scored
over her generally in body, feet and legs.
Raise, litter mate to Ch. Big Strive and
Pearl Strive, owned by Col. Chinn was a first class hound, but not quite as
good on bench as others. E. H. Walker
had a good one, Rowdy, by Strive. He was black. white and tan, but not so
typical as Strive’s get, but about as good a fox dog as any of that blood.
Unfortunately he developed a liking for sheep, which soon ended his career.
One of the best fox hounds by Strive was out of Trim, a hound called
Scott and owned by S. P. Calvin of Louisiana,
while Bragg out of Lot, and
Mag out of Rate. she by
Old Scott(Scott no 7), were high class
hounds, both game. Brag especially so. The former was owned by Col. Rogers
of Texas, and the latter by Dr. Rosborough of the same state. Many of
Strive’s get went to all parts of the country. Some of which were just as
good and possibly better than those mentioned, but no record is at hand in
regard to them. Ch. Big Strive lived to be 8 years old and up to the last
was used very extensively in the stud. Many of his get were fine looking,
nicely marked, high class hounds, some of which were excellent, while others
as is often the case with the English cross, lacked gameness to a certain
extent. Col. Chinn had a good bitch, Shadow by
Jay Bird out of Kate and she by Big Strive. She
was the dam of Matt and A. V. Huyler’s Jay Bird that ran at Barre last fall.
The get of Big Strive can be found in
nearly every state in the Union. Although the consensus of opinion today
seems to be for breeding away from the English cross, Judge C. E Huff, a
noted fox hunter in Arkansas and owner of many fine hounds, still likes
about one- eighths English blood. His best hounds today have about 12 1-2
per cent. but as he mated his favorite bitches with E. H. Walker’s Old Mont,
which is free from any direct English cross, the produce have less than 16
per cent of that blood.
In 1894. or thereabouts.
Mr. George Garrett sent a very good looking July hound to E. H. Walker,
which was bred to a few bitches, hut the produce were not game, otherwise
they were fairly good hounds, hut when it came right down to a long race,
they would strike their colors. Dr. A. C. Heffinger also sent a July dog to
cross on the Walker hounds. But he was stricken with black tongue before
there was any opportunity to breed him.
There are today, and always
have been, many good fox hunters and careful breeders of hounds in Madison
County. Of the older hunters, few were as successful as Neil Gooch, a nephew
of General Maupin. He was one of the very best hunters in the state. He
would stay for hours. waiting for his dogs. always making it a point never
to never leave a hound of his in the woods. In proportion to numbers, he
probably owned more really first class hounds than any man in the state. His
black bitch. Aggie, a dam of
Spotted Top, was
considered by W. S. Walker the best fox hound he ever saw. She was a
granddaughter of Tennessee Lead, and was
really a wonderful hound. At a big meet where there were at least a hundred
hounds present, Mr. Gooch offered to wager that Aggie could beat any hound
present, although she had just weaned a litter of puppies, which naturally
left her in a rather poor condition for a match race. No one came forward to
accept the challenge, as nearly all present were acquainted with Aggie’s
speed and gameness. One of the Walkers, however, was about to accept the
wager when tipped off by a friend, which was excellent advice as Aggie
could, and did, beat the pack. Dolph, another
one of Mr. Gooch’s great hounds, beat James Maupin's Flyer, Rant and Bob,
and this, too, after filling up on some stuff that happened to he found on
the way to the hunting grounds. Mr. Gooch died about ten years ago.
John Bennet, also of
Madison County, a very fine man and a great lover of fox hounds and fox
hunting, owned and bred a lot of high class hounds whose names will be found
in many of the pedigrees of the Walker hounds today.
Col. Caperton. a wealthy man of
Richmond. always kept a pack of hounds, many of which were excellent in all
respects. the most noted being Jarret and
Calvin, a blue ticked dog that was bred to very
Kilis and Joseph Deatherage,
both of Madison County, owned and bred many first class hounds. Three
bitches, Shiny, a grand puppy of Col.
CaperIon’s, Calvin, and Lucy, grand puppies of
Calvin on dam side and Jarrett on sire side, were noted hounds. Shiny was
the dam of Joe White that produced SO many good hounds only a few years ago.
some of which are still living. Lucy was the
dam of many brilliant hounds and was a favorite brood bitch with the Walkers
for several years. Bred to Joe White, she
produced Tige and Minnie
Dykes. By Scrape, she produced young
Lucy, dam of E. H. Walker’s Don, that sired Dickerson’s Don, Dr. Heffinger’s
Brigand and Bandit, John P. Park’s Frank and
many other hounds of the highest class. While speaking of Joe White, it is
worthy of notice that he sired Phoebe, dam of
Leavel’s Gordon and Retha. that won at Bardstown last fall, and also
Wooldridge’s Glen, a grand young hound, but never shown in public. All three
sired by E. H. Walker’s Phil, he by
Arp, out of Woods Walker’s
Lill, she by Hardy
out of Alice. Phil is a very handsomely marked
black, white and tan hound that stands 23 1-4 in. at the shoulders, and
considered by the Walkers to be about the best looking hound owned by them
for years. He has a splendid coat, gay carriage of stern good legs and feet,
front legs could be a little better for pasterns down and feet a trifle
smaller, would be an improvement, he has a good head, little too much stop
line of profile, not being quite straight. Back excellent, ribs well sprung
and carried well back. Have seen Woods Walker's ten year old boy sit on
Phil’s back without the dog flinching a particle or seeming to be at all
distressed by the weight. Phil is a good hunter, very fast and dead game,
with a good mouth and lots of it. in fact a little too much of it at times.
As a stallion hound, Phil has today few equals and no superiors.
Unfortunately, nearly all the Walker bitches are so close kin to him that
they cannot use him, although many outsiders are availing themselves of his
services with best results. As to which is the best all round fox hound ever
owned by the Walker family, opinions differ. E. H. Walker claims
Red Mack, by
Old Scott, was the
best, being so good he was in a class by himself, while W. S. Walker does
not agree with his brother. claiming
Spotted Top was the king of all their
hounds. they do agree. however, that Red
Mack was not a great success as a sire, while Spotted Top has the
distinction of being the sire of more extra good hounds than any other hound
in the kennels. Scott, Joe and Arp not excepted. Yell, a litter mate to Top,
was a brilliant hound, and next to Top the best at that time, Red Mack
coming years afterwards. Two of Spotted Top’s get,
Little Top and Boston, were extra good
hounds. Both could pick up rabbits after a short course, like gray hounds,
although Little Top was killed by a deer when eighteen months old, he was a
wonderful hound to find a fox, could, and did find as many as the balance of
the pack and after the fox was up, few hounds could ever take the
track from him. Johnny Leavell’s Sokie ,
by Spotted Top out of Vie, was a good fox dog and a noted brood hitch. S. B.
Lear’s Tray and Mollie, litter mates to Sokie, both of splendid
conformation, very fast and excellent voices.
The next on list of noted sires came
Scott, bred by Alex Maupin, whelped about twenty years ago. He was by
Gooch’s Mack out of
Maupin’s Fannie, and had the distinction of siring more puppies than
any other hound before or since his time. He is considered the main pillar
of the Walker blood, the more crosses back to Old
ScottNo. 7, the more valuable the pedigree. It is out of the
question to name all of the good hounds Scott No. 7
sired. First came Red Mack. belonging to E. H.
Walker, and spoken of’ before. John Park’s Scott,
litter mate to Red Mack, and excepting Mack the
best all around fox hound of that time, but neither of these hounds proved
successful in the stud, while W. S. Walker's Troop
and Col. Jack Chinn’s Minch, although not as high class fox hounds, were far
superior as sires. Troop. sired by Scrape, spent the best part of his life
in Texas. but returned to Kentucky in time to become an important factor in
hound breeding about eight or ten years ago. The best of his get were Joe
White, E. H. Walker’s Lucy and Roe, Montgomery’s Simon, John D. Roger’s
Fanner and Jack Britton.
It seems to the writer a pity that Simon, grand hound as he is, should have
been neglected in the stud by the breeders while in his prime. Today there
are many anxious to breed first class bitches to him, now that his days of
usefulness in that line are over. Simon is well bred, handsomely marked,
black. white and tan, of excellent conformation and a wonderfully game
hound. This winter, although ten ears old and crippled by an accident in his
younger days. which has always\s limited his speed, he has stayed all night
many times with Frank Searcv’s pack. For the first of the race, as may be
expected with young and fast hounds. he could not keep well up, but toward
morning he would catch the pack and from then on would be in the thickest of
the fight for the lead. Simon is an excellent hunter and noted for his fox
finding ability, has a good big mouth and gives plenty of it. While Simon
has been neglected. his two sisters, Babe and Tex, have made enviable
records as brood bitches. Old Scott no. 7 sired
Red Sam who in turn bred to Mag, produced jay Bird, Osie, Black Bird and
Bake. Jay Bird was a noted hound and a good sire. He won the Derby stakes in
both the
Brunswick Fox Hound Club and the
National Fox Hunters’ Association in 1895, a feat that has never been
accomplished before nor since that date. Bake was the sire of E. H.
Walker’s Black Joe, one of the greatest hunting hounds ever owned in
Kentucky, a hound that would go further and stay longer to get after a fox
than any hound of his time. Black Joe sired Burt, Mont, Arp and Ailsie,
all extra good hounds and all capable of reproducing. Arp, having the most
and best bitches bred to him, naturally gets the credit of the best sire.
Ailsie, who won the All Age Stake of the Brunswick Fox Hound Club in 1903,
was dam of W. S. Walker’s Topsy and Icey, the
latter dam of John Park's Ch.
Fitz who won the All-Age Stake at Bards- town in 1907. Jay Bird
sired Robinhood, sire of Jip Sharp winner of All-Age Stake at Barre, in
1907. Scott sired a number of high class bitches, among the lot being
Vanish, litter mate to Red Mack. A. K.
Walker’s Mat, W. S. Walker’s Minnie and Rachel, Charles Blue’s Fan, E H.
Walker’s Cricket, A. K. Walker's Cricket and Will Irvin’s Mag.
About Scott's time, A. K.
Walker had Raider II, bred by Will Irvin that
was by Gentry’s Raider out of Kit. Raider was a fine fox hound and sire of
many good ones. best of which was Squealer,
whose name will afterwards be seen in the breeding of many of the Walker
hounds. Lucy bred to him produced Hardy. sire
of Lil Walker. who is dam of Phil, Breck and Jockey. the latter owned by
Dr. Snipe of Arkansas. All are grand fox hounds and of the right type.
The winning of the Walker
hounds under many different judges from many stakes at the fields trials
have been very large. More so than all other strains combined for the past
five years. The 1907 Derby winner at Barre, Cloud, is by the Tom Cat. he
by Jay Bird. All-Age winner, Jip Sharp by Robinhood, he by Jay Bird. 1906
the Derby was won by Mat, she by Arp out of Shadow, Shadow by Jay Bird.
The All Age that year was won by George C. Call’s Fly, not a Walker hound.
In 1905 both the winners of All-Age and Derby were of other strains.
George E. CaIl's Loud won Derby and Mr. Smith’s Sinner the All Age. 1904
found Simple, a full Walker. winning in the Derby, while Logan, a Maryland
hound, won the All-Age. Simple is by Jack, he by Scrape while Fannie, his
dam is by Joe White. In 1903 Ailsie, by Black Joe x Charmer, won the
All-Age in a field of fifty-eight of the best hounds this country could
boast, Derby being won by Thomas Hitchcock’s Maid. By the above will be
seen that Walker hounds had the honor of winning the Derby of Brunswick
Fox Hound Club three times in five years while the All-Age stake of the
same club was won the same number of times by Walker hounds making six
prominent wins out of a possible ten, a most excellent showing for any one
strain of hounds. The National Fox Hunters’ Association field trails show
an even greater per cent of winners of the Walker strain. In 1907 Retha
won Derby and Ch. Fitz the All-Age. Trevir won the derby in 1906 while
Calvin was the winner ofAll-Age There was no award in the All-Age Stake in
1905. Blanche won the Derby that year. Buster Brown won the Derby in 1904,
the All-Age hound falling to Blossom. There was no Derby cup in 1903.
Cricket, dam of Blanche, won the All-Age that season. All the above named
hounds are Walkers except Buster Brown and Blossom, the former being by
Brigand, a half Walker. while the latter is a half Trigg. This gives the
Walker hounds credit of winning the Derby of the National Fox Hunters’
Association three times in the last four years. While three of the All-Age
winners, in the same period, were of that strain, giving a total of six
very prominent out of a possible eight to the credit of the Walker hounds,
a most excellent showing of the grandest strain of hounds that has ever
come under the observation of the writer.
By C. J. Prouty, 1907. (From July 1923 TheChase Magazine)
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