Past National, USO, All Amer. WInners
Walker's Blind Riley IFSB No. 67 E.H. WALKER - OWNER WOODS WALKER - BREEDER WHELPED IN 1900 A Black tan and white Dog Blind Riley was was whelped in 1900 out of Walker's White Alice No 47 by Walker's Hardie No 106.His littermates were Walker's Lill Walker No 125, Ada and S.P. Colvin's Cash No 75. Woods Walker was the breeder and owner. All four littermates were black, white and tan colored.Lill was a fast dead-game hound . Ada showed promise of being as good as Lill but had Distemper when she was about 15 months old and never recovered. Cash was obtained by S.P. Colvin of Louisiana for use at Stud. Riley was given by Woods Walker to his Father , E.H. Walker. and Riley became completely blind after running in a hard race when he was contracting Distemper. After becoming blind, Riley was kept by Chint Lear of Rockcastle County, Ky.. Even Though he was completely blind, Riley Would still go to hounds running a fox , and follow behind the other hounds keeping up the best he could until the fox holed. When he was about 6 years old, he vanished after one of these races and was never seen again. Blind Riley was bred to extensively before his disappearance. One of the most Famous hounds he sired was Kanatzer and Walkers Lee No. 121 (Referred to as "Old Lee" in Walker hound history"). Blind Riley was crossed on J.L. Kanatzer's Ted No 184 to produce "Old Lee".
Pedigree for Walker's Blind Riley IFSB No. 67
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